Django Unchained

The possible protagonists that were shuffled and other 9 curiosities of ‘Django Unchained’.

Many of us dreamed of a western with Quentin Tarantino’s signature. After all, almost all of his films, despite being a jigsaw puzzle of varied influences, had the spirit and form of lifelong Western cinema, especially the Leone side. That’s why, when ‘Django Unchained’ hit theaters in 2012, the expectation was at its peak. And the result justified the wait.

Django Unchained

To sum up, we find ourselves with a film that is, in its 90% of footage, a masterpiece, but in the remaining 10%, perhaps because of excessive hopes of finding perfection, it doesn’t quite work. But let’s keep the good things. Brutal violence, hilarious humor, impeccable technical workmanship, overwhelming soundtrack and dialogues to stand up and applaud.

Everything is in ‘Django Unchained’, especially in its first hour and a half, where one has the feeling of witnessing a timeless, lyrical classic, discovering a Tarantinian poetics unknown to controlled and dosed to excellence. A festival of fun, tension, action and romanticism, towards cinema and its characters, which reconciled the audience with the genre.